On the optimization of bipartite secret sharing schemes (4592),X Spanish Meeting on Cryptology and Information Security,1387/07/14 _ 1387/07/14,عباس چراغي چالشتري, O. Farr`as, C. Padro
Access Structures Based on Some Graphs (1407),4th Iranian Society of Cryptology Conference,1386/06/25 _ 1386/06/25,مسعود هاديان دهکردي, عباس چراغي چالشتري
(),,1388/07/15 _ 1388/07/15,عباس چراغي چالشتري
Secret Sharing Homomorphisms (1171),35th Iranian Mathematics Conference,1383/11/07 _ 1383/11/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري
Nonadaptive group testing, key distribution and related structures (4257),The First Khansar Conference on Mathematical Sciences: Combinatorics and its Applications,1391/02/29 _ 1391/02/29,عباس چراغي چالشتري, Alireza Nasehi
Searching for an unknown edge in the graph and its tight complexity bounds (143),10th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology,1392/06/07 _ 1392/06/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري
A new (t; n) multi-secret sharing scheme based on interpolation polynomial and cipher feedback mode (CFB) (1336),4th Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications,1392/02/18 _ 1392/02/18,عباس چراغي چالشتري, زهرا ملک, سميرا غياثي
Threshold multi-secret sharing scheme based on the Lagrange interpolation formula (1336),4th Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications,1392/02/18 _ 1392/02/18,عباس چراغي چالشتري, مريم براتي, سيده صديقه نجيبي
Visual Cryptography Scheme for Some Class of Access Structure (1518),5th Iranian Conference on Applied Mathematics,1392/06/11 _ 1392/06/11,عباس چراغي چالشتري
Sharp lower bound for the 2-complexity c2(G) (1122),2th Iranian Conference on algebric graph theory and 3th Conference on chemical graphs,1392/06/18 _ 1392/06/18,عباس چراغي چالشتري
(),,1393/06/04 _ 1393/06/04,عباس چراغي چالشتري, لاله محمديان جونقاني
(3957),The 45th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference,1393/06/05 _ 1393/06/05,عباس چراغي چالشتري, لاله محمديان جونقاني
(),,1394/03/07 _ 1394/03/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري, منصوره باقري
(8882),,1394/03/07 _ 1394/03/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري, مريم براتي
(8882),,1394/03/07 _ 1394/03/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري, زهرا کرم جواني آذر
(),,1394/03/07 _ 1394/03/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري, آسيه شفيعي
Generalization of Blom Key Predistribution Scheme (634),18th International Conference on Cryptography, Coding and Information Security,1394/12/07 _ 1394/12/07,عباس چراغي چالشتري
On the information ratio of a class of graphs (2379),first International Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography and Computation,1395/06/12 _ 1395/06/12,عباس چراغي چالشتري, غفار رئيسي, محمد غلامي
(),,1395/06/11 _ 1395/06/11,ميترا شرافتي, عباس چراغي چالشتري
(9041),,1396/09/16 _ 1396/09/16,ميترا شرافتي, عباس چراغي چالشتري